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Maybe it's seasonal allergies! Did you know Mississippi has one of the highest rates in the country for seasonal allergies? Seasonal allergies are underrated, to say the least. As a matter of fact, Mississippi’s “seasonal allergies” most often last from March to November! Since this can last for most of the year in Mississippi, we feel like it’s worth discussion, especially for those who suffer all year long from this Mississippi madness!

So, what’s the reason for sneezin’?

Well, in the spring, it’s tree pollen; grass in the summer; and ragweed in the fall. And then, of course, the months in between—it’s dust mites, animal dander, cat allergies, and mold spores.

The worst time for pollen allergies is when the weather is clear, dry and windy. During the morning hours, the pollen is almost always bad, then tapers off in the afternoons—so you will want to do your outdoor exercises in the later afternoon. After it rains, the pollen is washed away, also making it ideal for outdoor activities to those seasonal allergy sufferers.

So, do you have allergies or something more serious?

Allergies may seem like a cold at first. Allergy attacks can be mistaken for sinus infections, throat infections, ear infections, skin infections, lung infections and more—making you think you need an antibiotic. But the truth is, antibiotics are of no use for allergies—and may only make your body more resistant to antibiotics—which means, when you REALLY need antibiotics, they may not work as well, or even at all.

Allergy symptoms include:

  • Runny nose

  • Sneezing

  • Coughing

  • Watery Eyes

  • Sinus congestion

  • Fatigue

  • Skin rashes

  • Dizziness

  • Headaches

These can also be signs of a sinus infection, throat infection, ear infection, lung infections, and skin infection—but usually you will also have a fever, and the sputum (or mucus) will most likely be colorful rather than clear.

If uncontrolled, seasonal allergies will actually CAUSE the more serious infections that require antibiotics!

It is very important to see your healthcare provider about how to control your Mississippi seasonal allergies with daily medications, lifestyle changes and/or allergy treatments. This will help prevent the more serious infections that require antibiotics for treatment.

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